Thursday, 14 May 2015

Fortnight Games. Personality Adjectives Taboo.

Hello everyone!
Today I bring you a must have game in every teacher's folder. Maybe one of the most loved games (among with Hangman - which is a Must game to review vocabulary-) could be Taboo. From young learners to adults, Taboo, is an excellent way to improve their speaking skills. Also, this version of Taboo would help them to reassure their knowledge.

Taboo Preview
The idea of this Taboo is explaining the word on top of the card without using the adjectives below. It is a different concept from the common taboo because I believe they are more receptive to increase their vocabulary when they are playing. So, by showing them synonyms students start to remember different ways to say a word. In addition, I found that when they play normal taboo some students tend to block and start to fell too self-conscious  to talk. 

There's another possibility for this cards. After a few days of playing with them, students can play in reverse, which means only saying the three adjectives below the team needs to guess the Main adjective. It has had good results because when they play common taboo they read the adjectives and allow themselves to remember maybe one or two from the list, so the new adjectives become part of their back-up list of vocabulary. 

Here is the link for the first set of cards:Download Personality Adjectives Taboo.

Enjoy and have a fun learning!! 


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